Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I woke up one morning feeling glorious.

I'm battling with thoughts of love and hate,

Forgetting things from behind me and starting a clean slate,

I try every day to feel the good in people,

I see every day that they grow less faithful.

Been with my girl for a long time, loving her unconditionally,

Talk with fellas who follow a grind, telling me to feel differently.

I thought God would help, but I got lost,

tried to follow words in a book, but I got bossed.

To see millions follow the word of one and still feel hate

never made much sense to say this is the right way.

I keep battling with ideas of love and hate keeping my joy,

but the hard looks on people's faces get me feeling annoyed.

I try to keep the eyes of my friends dry from the lies and the guise

by people who despise the wise days of our lives.

I watched her cry for no reason on the bathroom floor,

but thats normal most everywhere in the world.

Mad because a higher form let her feel so bad,

My arms around her not saving her from herself.

So many people have problems they have dealt,

yet they have something to help.

A long time ago I told myself that I didn't need God anymore,